Деньги на английском

Тема денег актуальна почти всегда! Но особенно в путешествиях важно правильно спросить об оплате, узнать сколько стоит и выяснить или обсудить другие моменты. В преддверии лета и долгожданных путешествий давайте повторим эту лексику:


Слово Перевод Пример
Be worth Стоить His car is worth a fortune.
Borrow (from) Занимать She never borrows from her parents.
Lend (to) Одалживать Did he lend you the money?
Can’t afford Не мочь позволить финансово We can’t afford going to cafes so much.
Charge Выставлять счет How can he charge you so much for such work?
Cost Стоить How much does it cost?
Earn Зарабатывать He doesn’t earn enough.
Inherit Унаследовать Steven inherited a house when his uncle died.
Invest Инвестировать Would you like to invest some money?
Owe Быть должным How much does ho owe you?
Save Копить We are saving now to travel more.
Take out Снимать My granny doesn’t take out money from a cash machine – she doesn’t think it’s safe.
Waste Тратить впустую He wastes money like water.



Слово Перевод Пример
Cash Наличные Do you have any cash?
Credit card Кредитка Can I pay by a credit card or in cash?
Cash machine Банкомат Is there a cash machine near here?
Coin Монета He collects coins.
Note Банкнота This note is so dirty!
Loan Заем I don’t want to take a loan here.
Mortgage Ипотека They have a mortgage for 15 years.
Salary Заработнаяплата His salary is tiny!
Tax Налог Taxes are going to increase this year.